
Monday, May 21, 2018

Americans: The Poorest Peoples In The World (One)

We have spent trillions of dollars for far away wars, such as Iraq and Afghanistan and keep counting!

We almost never strongly say anything about it. Or we never have chance to say a word about it. None of law makers is saying firmly and courageously about it. Many of them are scaring on their positions and elections rather than to protect and serve the real needs and security of our people.

We never have enough a few billions of money to protect our homeland that we are actually living. Most law makers and critiques are saying bunch of hinders and difficulties to built the border wall.

LGBT (Lawless Goddess Betweens Twister) systematically block any of these things to not to be happened. She needs special manipulated slaves for her project of either dominating or destroying USA and the World! She will never let the border wall building happened!

If somebody says about border protection or our homeland security, or , our national interest and national security, she will rise the voice on that person as white supremacist or racist. Or she will be labeling as Britons.

If somebody says anything about security of our community, she shall be labeling on that person as communist or even 8 lover or something like that.

If somebody critique about business, she will be labeling as Hitler. That's all she is doing.

While Trump is still busy (or let it happen that way by LGBT) with his campaign and personal matters, the gang of LGBT is very systematically constructing in her way of needs either to dominant or destroy the nation and the world.

Though we ever have more, more, more than enough of war costs (and of course - the lives of our brothers and sisters) away of our homeland, we never have enough power and money to protect our mainland! That much we are poor!

Americans: The Poorest Peoples In The World!

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