
Friday, April 17, 2020

The 500th Page

I have been creating a book that has collective movies with numbers or digits in the names.

For example, "I am number Four," "Magnificent Seven," "Room 8," and so on.

Surprisingly enough that there are hundreds of movies for each number that I found in my research, which you may amaze!

Anyway, today is our traditional new year day.

By 1 AM in the early morning of today, the 500th page of the book has coincidently passed by!

I am now making research and working on the movies of number 11 (Eleven).

The book will be sequential or series.

From number 1 to 12 shall be included in this Volume One of that series.

Soon I will be looking for a publisher who should have a mindset of curiosity, a loving heart on history and true records, and probably a little bit of courage to publish this book.

Who will be my publisher?

See you.

(Here are a few excerpts from the book. Enjoy!)

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