Scenario I
During my early years, as I was grown in tropical zone, we had played flying kite. We could fly kites both in winter, the weather was cold but dry with blue sky, and in summer, which was dry but windy, beautiful.
While we were playing kite-flying, sometimes, the kite-string cut off because of strong wind or thin string or some other reasons. Then, what happened? Of course, we followed the cut-off-kite regardless of crossing water or climbing hills or passed over the other people rudely, selfishly, with minus-zero-empthy, felled down several times etc.. And yet, sometimes, we got the kite back and sometimes, we never got it back. Whatever it was, the sure thing was, we did not care anything or anyone in order to get a thing that we wanted. Those things happened in our days of childhood. The funny or laughable question is, what about when we grown up?
Scenario II
Once, we were in a gun shooting event when I was a gunner. We had to prepare with special and careful calculations to shot out gun shells where the target was about twelve miles away. We calculated all necessaries, positives, negatives, possible hinders and failures, etc, days and nights. One of my friends lost his special calculated sheets. When he found the sheets back, such valuable papers were bitten by rats at night. Everything was destroyed.
The experience interpreted that while we were focusing matters too far away, we lost to take care of things happening around us.
As an American, let us metaphor this with - while we have been following terrorists and other matters, etc, do we fail to take care of internal affairs or inside the U.S.? Find out what happening here......
Ebola threat, which first attention of disease-creaters was British system? I just randomly but little bit mindfully examine this - Ebola had occurred in Liberia then the first news came up with somebody from that zone flied to Burma (Myanmar) and the U.S. Liberia, Burma and the United States are only three countries in the world, which use British measurement system, such as miles, yard, feet, etc, any way. Australia. Scotland. Yesterday, Canada was chosen. One of my friends said that problems in Hong Kong are based upon (eVils') systematical efforts to cut off the symbol between red shirts and blue jeans. He might be right!
Broken health care system, which all our lives, potentials, possibilities and abilities must depend upon casH?
Political dead locks between representatives and senators of American Public or American People and representatives and senators of conspiracy - casH based lobbyists?
Scenario III
Even in our working arenas, if we carefully make examinations and evaluations, we could not easily but not that hardly find the closest rats those have been systematically biting our sheets while we are paying attentions on future, work, blah..blah..
Basically, things we thought those were accidental matters, coincident happenings, were actually organized systematically, strategically in timing. Sometimes, key strategy is to take over while some other times, to put us between the eVil and the wall.
Please regard on these as kidding-writings of a ten years old boy as laughable. However, please also do not forget to make a smile and need to taking care of .....
Thank you!
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