Have you ever seen people who died because of extremely happy? You could.
Have you ever seen people who died because of extremely sad? You could.
Why do those kinds of things happened for human beings who are the most intelligent and powerful living creatures on the earth? The answer is very simple; because of lack of controlling over their emotions.
Actually, there are too many things to be happy in our lifetimes. Yet, of cause, there are also too much matters to be unhappy in everybody’s lifetime. Whether it is the matter to be happy or to be sad, we just have to deal with it, with dignity, control, cold mind and cold heart as we are human beings.
The best way to deal with those emotions is – to go by the middle path. With consciousness, please do not allow to be too much happy by yourself though you could become a billionaire from homeless or those kinds of other similar happenings. At the same time, again, with consciousness, please do not allow to be too much sad by yourself though you lose everything you own or you have, from your money and job to house and spouse.
Long time ago, during the Buddha’s era, one day, a woman lost her husband because a snake bite him in the forest. A few hours later she lost her husband, she lost her little baby as well because a big bird swooped in the baby. The woman became almost a mad person for her extreme grief. Finally, she arrived in front of the Buddha and not only had she told about her worst life in the world, but she also asked the Buddha to make her husband and son to relive, if the Buddha was a real super power. The Buddha spoke her with kindest words to ease her grief and also he said that he could be available to help the lady’s husband and son to relive if she could do something what the Buddha requested. The woman said she could do whatever the Buddha requested to do. The Buddha’s request to the woman was to search a little piece of turmeric from any household, which has no family member ever died.
With deepest grief, the woman went on one household to another and asked if any household never had experience with dead family member/s or not. The woman found that family member/s died in every household or every family. Finally, she came back to the Buddha without any piece of turmeric and she also began to deeply realize the truth that all human beings were born to die one day, by any mean by any reason.
Then, the Buddha said that everybody had easy and difficult parts, happiness and unhappiness, gain and lost, successful and unsuccessful matters, up and down, rise and fall, and so on; whatever it was, as human beings, we just needed to control those emotions, whether it was for happiness or sadness; going by the middle path.
As we learn from the above story, we all will have happiness and sadness, ups and downs, rise and fall, etc; but to not to let us be out of control. If we find something to be happy, yes, we must be happy; if we face something to be unhappy, yes, we suppose to be unhappy; but to not to be extremists for those emotions because after we are happy or sad in one point, there are many things still to do and many similar emotions to face.
Please do not forget that there is always somebody who is worse than you are.
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