
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Corona TV Interview: Why Name Corona?

(In the following interview, O represents Oo Thein Maung and P represents Mirs. Piggy.)

O: Why did you give the name as Corona for your such grand creation for humanity?
P: Well, if you see these names those I have been trying to highlight to deal between you and humans, you could know why and what is it.
- grOund zerO (the collapsed place of twin towers)
- cOlOrado (the very first (druggy) state to legalize marijuana in the United States)
- cOrOna (the pandemic that makes the most mysteriously killed and uncomfortable for human beings (It's also set to happen in 2020. Do you see? How smart I am!!!) At the same time, it is the name of a Mexican beer brand. That makes to cover little bit at least to avoid peoples' doubt on me as I use the name, which related with my top useful MAFIAs. Again, how smart I am!!!
When I plot always at least it must gain three way, For example,
- Gain something for me
- Smash somebody who is opposite from me
- Kill some people who are innocent and neutral

Again, how smart I am!!!

All I am trying is to kill you any way, any mean for any reason, either physically or mentally or ethically. I know that I cannot effort to fool you mentally but I think I can set things up to harm you physically or ethically.

After cOrOna, many much more extraordinary events are coming!!!
Watch Out OTM!!!

O: I am!

Glossary Term: MAFIA - Member of Animal Firm International Association owned and led by pigs

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