
Sunday, March 11, 2018

LGBT and GUNs and the United States

Why does she want all GUNS to be LEGAL in the nation?

She will be very systematically blocking any kind of tighter gun control laws. What's her plan behind the guns?

Since years ago, what has she already done with ammunitions                        through out the United States? Some of her gang members are already trained (target 2025).

She is creating a wave of gun culture because she needs to mix between real and fake, as always she does.

NRA has been standing as an ordinary organization, especially in the past, but now it is tactically controlled or greatly manipulated by LGBT as a special useful tool in order to support her conspiracy goals.

Meanwhile, Trump will be doing to spread more guns through out the nation, with beautifully-lying-speeches of look like gun control as the way LGBT set up. Lately, Trump is no more or less than  a loud-speaker-tool as LGBT is behind-real-speaker from Manhattan with wireless mic.

Great danger for Americans!

Great test for true American leaders!

Great challenge between good and evil!

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