
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Resolution

For the year of 2557 (Buddhist year 2557, and Christ year 2014), the only new year resolution, which I make: to publish one or more books in this year if I do not die before the next year arrives.

That's all. Only one goal; only one resolution!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Surprised and Interesting Matter

When I was a young boy, once a man said that to build a house, it took time days or weeks or months. To build a nation, how long it could take in? You may imagine on the answer of his question.
He also said that to destroy a nation, you need to have higher level capacity. Please do not consider that every body can destroy a nation. It is a truly difficult job. Then, how about to build a nation? Even to destroy a nation, if you need to have such higher level capacity, what kind of greatness, smartness, courage, patience, etc, etc, you will need to have, in order to build a nation.

Now, it is not just a house nor a nation, some guys would like to build kind of the World.. How long it will take? What kind of strategy, smartness, courage, patience, tolerance, compassion, sacrifices, etc, etc, you will need to have?

In fact, according to experience, none of you have those. Any of you has no kind of patience. You would like to change the world. Yet, you cannot wait for even 24 hours. Then, if you construct a world with that kind of capacity, what kind of world it could be? At the same time, you only consider from your side, from your view, with your standard, background and belief. Then, what kind of world it could be?

Any way, the more I look and watch around those matters, it makes me to be more surprised. However, it is also interesting that you all would like to be a world's power. What kind of power it is?

As an ordinary man, sometimes, let me have my turn to watch you, not just I am being watched!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Matters of Rewards and Punishment

I have told you that I have been trying to fix inhumanities with kind of method of carrot and stake.

Actually, I do not have to do it because the law of universe does the job itself perfectly in time. Every thing has its time either to occur or to be disappeared; to rise or fall; to gain rewards or get punishments.

Watch out and let us try to be cleaned by ourselves. All things will be returned!

Mind Journey

In the future before I die, I (my mind) will be traveling around the world and universe (if I can).

Then, I will share experience those I find in my mind journey, with you.

So far, one interesting thing, which I have been finding in this world is, some persons are just creators who made up many things through out history. They never hesitate or afraid of to kill the others, to destroy the others, to lie the others, to give all kinds of troubles on the others, to create all kinds of conspiracies if they could gain benefits from it. The most surprising thing is that they never consider it is guilty. They have been just fondly doing it. The most amazing thing is that they are extremely clever. They cleverly set up things around and cover with beautiful matters on those conspiracies. And many other people who are poor (both mentally and physically) follow them since those people do not know they are being lied and living under creative fictions all the time. For many reasons, I become those creators' target (to be systematically destroyed or killed) because I am on their way; kind of revealing their top secrets. Actually, any of truth or untruth matters will be revealed in one way or another, sooner or later. That's the way how humans' world works.

In my mind journey, I will be learning all kinds of matters, whether which is good or bad, positive or negative, humbleness or evilness. Then, I will let you know my experiences. I will be learning to improve my English writing skills from choosing affective vocabulary to grammar, tone to rhyme, in order to support your reading comprehension on what I exactly mean.

Thank you very much!

Something being formed!

Dear all my beloved peoples and citizens,
You may leave me,
You may kill me.
You may destroy me,
You may humiliate me.
You may accuse me,
You may blame me.
You may hate me,
You may love me.
You may like me,
You may dislike me.
You may take care of me,
You may ignore me.
Whatever it is, I will be leaving all of you. At the same time, I will be taking care of all of you.

If I say like a child frankly, openly and honestly, something is being formed inside me, which is about "abandoning."

More and more, I would like to find the TRUTH of life (truth of human's life). I am 44 now. I find that none of money or so called education or positions is the truth of life, even not a true value of a human's life.

Let me tell you something that I have been trying to fix the wrong things (that I consider) in humanity with kind of method of carrot and stake, or, reward and punishment. I did. In their turns, some were / are happy with it, while some were / are getting hurt. Rather than that, I do not want to spend my time with giving rewards and punishments. I do not want to be living as a kind of judge of the world.
If I stay in this way, I do not believe that I can find the truth of life. The worst or sometimes funniest part of it is that I am regarded as a man, as a woman, as a courage man, as a fear person, as a kind man, as a stupid person, as an animal, as a gay, as an honest man, as a leader, as a villain, as the best, as the worst, as creator of good things, as an evil, etc.. etc.. (Some are systematically creating it. I know. I do know. But I will not tell you for many reasons.) Any way - Nothing is a real truth but totally depend on what you look, see, think, consider and feel from which side or corner you are in with what color of glass you wear!  Sometimes, I get anger. Sometimes, I laugh in my inside. But mostly, eventually and always, I forgive all of you about it with my patience and compassion. Again, it is all what you think, feel and consider; but not the truth about me. Sometimes, I even intently play on each of you. The truth that another thing what I found when I played around was that - none of you have that much tolerance, patience and understanding, which is greatness to establish true humans' world, but often and rather aggressive approach, which you all are good at. Some are much better than the others, in lying, creating (bad things), any way.

In current situation, very often or all the time, I have to love, I have to be loved; I have to kind of hate, I have to be hated; I have to like, I have to be liked; I have to dislike, I have to be disliked, etc... If I live in this way, I will never have a clear mind and pure heart. Then, how could I be able to find the truth of life? I will be living with a life of not too much different from an animal - eat, work, sleep, have sex, hate, love, like, dislike, happy, sad, rise, fall, cry, smile, greed, fight, and NOTHING else - simply die. So, what is the meaning of life ( a human's life)? What is the truth of life (a human's life)?

I will abandon one after another those addictions, which attached with me.
From now in the future, I will be living in personal freedom as an ordinary man. And I will be trying to find ways to approach to see the truth of life. I will try to write and practice my mind to become in the purest stage. You may love or hate each other; you may be trying to reward or punish each other; you may be trying to humiliate or praise each other. Whatever it is, I will leave it for you. You all are free to choose to love or hate, to praise or humiliate, to like or dislike, to reward or punish, to support or destroy. But please always try to remember this - all you give or launch or produce, will be coming back to you one way or another, sooner or later, directly or indirectly, even in many times of amount which you produced.

Because of you can systematically lie on the other people, you may consider by yourself as Such SMART. Dear my son, or, my daughter, you are about to be lied more systematically than the way you have created. All other things are also just like that, whether which is positive or negative, all things will be coming back to you / to me / to us. It is the law of universe. Nobody can avoid it. We all have to inevitably face it either individual or group; nationally or regionally.

I may become a mad man or nothing at all or die soon, or whatever. I will be trying to reduce all kinds of addictions one after another until I own my purest mind and heart.

Please forgive me or leave me alone. The color of my clothes will mean nothing at all. I regard all of you the same or nothing. By myself, I will be trying to erase all those levels.
I do not want to have any kind of love or hate or like or dislike on any of you. You all are my people, my friends, my parents, my teachers, my sons and my daughters.
I will simply live with whatever I earn and support my family. One day, I might also abandon my family. At the same time, I will be trying to abandon all my addictions of outside and inside. Later, I may be able to abandon all of my feelings and emotions, if I really try.

So, from today in future, please go on your own way! I am nobody. I am just an ordinary man who may become somebody in the mankind's history or who may become a fool man and die poorly.

Thank you for your understanding and please leave me alone!

With compassion on each of or all of you!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

"All Thais should realise this point a lot and behave and perform our duties accordingly, our duty for the sake of the public, for stability, security for our nation of Thailand." 

(From the speech of King Bhumibol Adulyadej on his 86th birthday)


Sunday, November 24, 2013

I am still an immature man!

A few days ago, I turned forty-four. I am a husband and a father of three children. I have worked in many kinds of jobs, places and positions. In other words, I have had no less experience than many other people of my age.

Since then, I should be a mature man at least for somewhat. Today, I examine by myself whether I am a right person in my age level. And the answer is - I am still an immature guy with prompt actions and reactions, uncontrolled talks and critics on the others, which are based upon endless emotions.

The Buddha always reminds that "to be mindful" on everything we act upon, in order to appropriately survive as a true human being. As soon as we lose our mindfulness, we die. "We die" hereby means - lost of our moral value, virtue, privilege, being a true human, etc, but not our bodies.

I have to compete by myself to become a mindful person.

I need to try to become a more and more mindful person each day as time goes by!

Monday, November 11, 2013

People of Philippine are in our prayers!

People of Philippine are in our prayers!
All other people around the world who have been in devastated area, under (systematic) slavery, under uncertain circumstances are in our prayers as well!

(Picture: bbc; yahoo)

Monday, October 28, 2013

One Experience

Today, I went to Marianjoy Rehabilitation hospital in our city, Wheaton, IL, in order to serve as an interpreter. I was there since 7:20 AM. They gonna use phone line interpretation, instead of in person, that's all I knew.

I left the hospital at 9:11.

I feel it was the event of luckily me for some reasons...


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Arakan International (No. 22nd)

Just click and read! 
Thank You!

Hopefully, books will be arrived.

Today, I went to the post office while I put on red shirt and blue jean (pant).

According to recent experience, if I wore red shirt and blue jean, some of my books those were not registered, lost often. Today, I sent a few books to one of my friends. Probably, this time, it arrives safely and normally.

I think it is the way how the current U.S. is set up with highly and powerfully connected Halloween Webs by those conspiracy sub-humans. Even in the White House, all these kinds of delays and hinders will be being experienced, I believe in.

If they keep building up their properties, influence and made up defense strategy like this / current way, probably or most likely, there will be huge punishment in mankind's history. Watch out!