
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's World

The first guy who initially make a call 911 is a THIEF, and the police who take that call is an another THIEF, and the jury who will take charge for that case is an another THIEF, and the rich guy or a company or somebody who will sponsor for the event is an another THIEF, and yet many news commentators who will write, anounce and give the view for the public are Gang-Members---who all are from the same group, under the same instruction and the slaves of systemtic conspiracy! The Victims? Of cause-the POOR CITIZENS or who are real tax-payers!

The guys who even do not understand the meaning of "balance" are the loudestly-yelling-out-about "EQUALITY," without mutual recognition, mutual respect, sympathy, empathy and values of humanity. As a reslut, billions of people are under troubles and doubts without freedom!

Cheat, Steal, Spy, Humiliate and do whatever you want, in order to say "The Winner." Whoever died, lives destroyed, -- who cares?

For many (so called) Leaders-- to be famous and elected is more important than welfare of citizens, national interest and dignity of the truth!

Through out or based upon some sort of the past situations, set up "Instigations" between the others and, among the crisis of the others, take adventage by themselves with enormous selfished-benefits.

Let the others be in the front line, fight and die, and let some guys build their powers on the others' dead-bodies!

(To be continued!)

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