
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Last year, I celebrated Halloween with Jet's Pizza.
This year, I should celebrate Happy Halloween with KFC.

And the followings are my favorite Halloween pictures.T Thanks!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Talking with Ms. Piggy in Dream

Last night, I had chance to talk with a bitch, Ms. Piggy in my dream.

She says that she is now arranging to make Fierce Air Strikes in Arakan as she has ordered one of her closet partners Burmese military. The strike could be not just for soldiers of Arakan Army but all Arakanese people to whom are targeted.

She is using this method very often. She started the (killing) story with Thi Dar Htwe, an Arakanese girl who was raped and killed. Then the conflict or war broke out between Kulas and Burmese and Arakanese.

So I don't know how many people will be destroyed and killed soon through out her special / strategic arrangements together with thoughtless, uncontrolled and brutal Burmese military.

Do what you can Ms. Piggy for now!!!

P.S. Why does Ms. Piggy set more like 9/11 events like Thi Dar Htwe events around the world?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Special Advice for Britons

Whether Brexit deal happened or not, it doesn’t matter.

The matter is Britain  needs to go as a one strong and united nation as the way it is!

Whatever the result comes out, just go with it smoothly and mindfully as a mature democracy.

Stay United and Strong!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Why didn't Google express anything at all for such historical event of 9/11 on September 11th of 2019?

From some peoples' birthdays to some events in world history, Google has been producing some exposures on its page notably since a few years ago.

Why didn't Google express anything (ANYTHING at all) for such historical event of 9/11 on September 11th of 2019?

The searching giant did not pay any attention for the loss of thousands of innocent people? Or very systematically skip it out? Or the search engine is already participating creation of wrong history of the world together with Ms. Piggy on her project of conspiracy? Or simply that MAFIAs from the gang of Ms. Piggy is very strategically controlling of google's expressions? Or all of those?

We will be watching out to distinguish between those actions of searching giant.

Humans wish giant engine like Google to stand for TRUTH instead of being special useful tool for Ms. Piggy!!!