
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Seventh Aniversary!

My first day in the United States was October 26, 2004.

So, today is my Happy Seventh Aniversary in the United States - so called freeland!

After seven years later, I  -

become an American citizen.

finish an associate degree.

have three children.

publish monthly newsletters and a booklet.

can speak, read and write English a little bit better than when I came here.

sent a few hundred of US dollars to my poor parents.

own some books, especially stories and encyclopedias.

have a blog that I post whatever I want to and whenever I wish to.

have some friends in persons and many online friends as well.

am seven years older than before, which means seven years closer to die.

feel we have somewhat freedom here though it is not really free.

hope brighter and better future though there are many powerful and dirty hinders.

Happy Seventh Aniversary!