When we lose a good man, a respectful leader or somebody who had been contributing the great things in one place of the world, it is the loss of not only for that place, but also for the whole world, since we all are directly or indirectly connected each other. The loss of Senator Edward Kennedy is that kind. It is not only for Kennedy family, but for all families of the world, not only for Democrats, but also for Republicans, not only for the Americans, but also for all world citizens.
During discussion in one of my classes at the College of DuPage, somebody asked a question that which American leaders are the most famous around the world (outside of the United States)? Most of my classmates thought it was George Washington in the first place. I willingly contributed my answer through out my experiences outside of the US, as – first – Abraham Lincoln, second - George Washihgton, third - John F. Kennedy, and fourth – Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Kennedys are among the heroes in leadership field of late history of the world.
I have been listened to and remember a piece of Teddy Kennedy’s speech that he gave when his brother, Robert Kennedy was assassinated; he said that “Love is not such a facility of popular magazine!” It came from deepest part of heart!
If we borrow a few words from Ronald Reagan, those he said when we lost Challenger crew, that – “Now, Mr. Kennedy is waving goodbye to the people of the United States and people of the world, to touch the face of God!”
Goodbye Mr. Kennedy! We all shall miss you!